
Weird Yoga Poses

Weird Yoga Poses

Yoga is an amazing practice, from which not only your body but your whole being can benefit. However, we do admit that there are a lot of weird yoga poses out there.  Sometimes I look at a Yoga pose and … Read More

Prone Yoga Poses

Prone Yoga Poses

Prone Yoga Poses are poses for the heart chakra. They help to open up our hearts and lift our chests. These Yoga Asanas are great for people that have a lot of stress, have an office job, and/or are tensed … Read More

Sitkari Pranayama

Sitkari Pranayama

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “regulation of breath.” There are many different types of pranayama. Sitkari is a great alternative to Sitali, which are both cooling breaths. Sitkari Pranayama is not only an excellent breathing … Read More

Sitali Pranayama

Sitali Pranayama

Pranayama is a Sanskrit word that can be translated as “regulation of breath.” There are many different types of pranayama. Sitali Pranayama is a great cooling breath. This breathing technique is not only excellent for cooling the body on hot … Read More

How to clean a yoga mat (1)

How To Clean A Yoga Mat

Your yoga mat is a sacred place where you should try to connect with yourself, practicing on a clean mat will make you feel so much better and it will keep your practice respected. Yoga Mats are not only the … Read More

Inspirational Yoga Quotes

Inspirational Yoga Quotes

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that has become a global phenomenon. Yoga is the union of mind, body, and spirit as it can be practiced in many ways to enhance your life. It’s easy to see why yoga has … Read More